For the girl who’s tired of giving up on herself and is ready to make changes that last a lifetime.

The Year of You is an 11-month module based membership program that you work through at your own pace. Together we break down (so that we can build up) the foundations of health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.

All without restriction and overwhelm, this isn’t just another diet and exercise program - I’m here to guide you through lifestyle changes and habits that give you the tools to live a sustainable healthy life.

If you’ve ended up here, I’m guessing you…

  • Have tried a number of diet and exercises programs that haven’t worked for you.

  • Maybe you’ve set out a New Years goal to finally get into shape and “clean up your diet”, but you haven’t known where to start, so you end up giving up before you’ve seen any results.

  • Maybe you’re just tired of the “all-or-nothing” mentality that gets thrown around like confetti, and you’re looking for healthy habits that you can stick actually to.

Either way, you’re ready to start feeling strong and confident in your own body.

I’ve been exactly where you are right now

For eight years I struggled with extremely low body-image and self-confidence ( let’s face it, what woman hasn’t faced this at some point?).

As I entered my early-twenties, I started trying everything under the sun to try and fix it.

Every low-carb, juice cleanse and skinny tea diet. Every ‘boot camp’ style workout program or exercise class. I would even spend hours on the treadmill and elliptical, all in the name of being skinny.

I thought that being thin would fix my low self-esteem but here’s what happened…

1 | I hated every diet and type of exercise I did.

2 | None of it fixed my self-esteem and low body image

3 | It was the furthest thing from healthy

So after 8 years of trying and failing, I decided it was time to change my approach…

and I decided to educate myself on what is actually healthy for my body instead.


let’s imagine for a moment


Finally start feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Understand what foods make you feel good and which ones don’t.

Feel confident enough to join a gym or exercise class.

Be able to throw on any outfit without worrying about how you look in it.

Get through the work day without needing 3 cups of coffee or experiencing the 3pm slump.

Feel fit enough to join your friends on a hike or a game of beach volleyball.

Look in the mirror and appreciate what you see.

Get to the end of the year having made some real changes towards your health.



20+ video modules

Access to the Client Portal

Resources, Templates, Worksheets and Tools to help you on your journey

Access to all future content and workshops

Access to the Exclusive She’s a Wildflower Community Group

Lifetime access

access to the 11-month module based course

monthly community calls via Microsoft Teams or Zoom

recipes and yoga flows

direct support from Michelle

accountability calendar, shopping lists and more

become a part of the She’s a Wildflower community

additional extras

Personalised exercise and nutrition programming where you work with Michelle and Kayla (our in-house PT) to create a schedule for you

Supplementary 1:1 mentorship calls with Michelle for additional support

Calls are hosted over Microsoft Teams and typically last 1 hour each

*additonal extras not included in membership price

Overall Course Breakdown

Phase 1:

In order to see real change, we first need to set a strong “why” we are wanting to change.

Over the first phase of the course, we work together to find out who you are and what your ‘why’ is and together we determine what the things are that have been holding you back and figure out ways to overcome those hurdles.

We also strip exercise and nutrition back down to the fundamentals so that we can find what works for you without the confusion and overwhelm.

Phase 2:

Don’t worry I’m not going to throw a 12-week workout programme and meal plan at you and send you on your way.

During phase 2 we get into what over exercising and restrictive dieting does to the body and what role rest plays.

We also dive a little deeper into the 80/20 mindset and creating a training/exercise program that works for you.

Phase 3:

The last phase is where we take a deep dive into nutrition - we cover areas such as

  • gut health

  • supplements

  • hydration

  • blood sugar and more.

Phase 4:

The last phase module is all about stepping into our self-confidence and setting ourselves up for success so that we can enter the new year with a clear vision.

Course Breakdown

the modules:

  • Goal setting and finding your WHY.

  • Finding exercise that works for you and getting started with cardio, strength training and mobility.

  • Let’s get down to basics - breaking down macros and micros.

  • Changing the narrative, letting go of limiting beliefs & stepping into self love.

  • and the effect they have on the body and hormones. The important role that rest plays.

  • The 80/20 mindset & introduction to intuitive eating.

  • Eating to fuel your body and activity levels, creating a schedule that works for you & training with your cycle.

  • Diving into supplements, gut health and whole foods.

  • Water, alcohol, caffeine, smoothies - diving into all things liquids and the roles they play in our bodies.

  • and how food and exercise play their part.

  • Stepping into your self-confidence era, finding balance and creating your dream life for 2025.

The modules were very informative and they have become something that I can always go back to when I need motivation to carry on.

I would 100% recommend this course to anyone looking to gain knowledge, get motivated/inspired or really just become part of an uplifting community of women

— Melissa

Full Payment
One time

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

✓ Online Client Portal
✓ Monthly Community Calls
✓ Access to the Exclusive She's a Wildflower Community
✓ Helpful Resources, Templates, Worksheets and Tools
✓ Lifetime Access
Monthly Payment
For 11 months

Get access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

✓ Online Client Portal
✓ Monthly Community Calls
✓ Access to the Exclusive She's a Wildflower Community
✓ Helpful Resources, Templates, Worksheets and Tools
✓ Lifetime Access*

*Life time access only granted once payment has been made in full. If payments are cancelled, access to the Year of You membership will be stopped.


This is not another generic “one size fits all” workout and diet plan. I am not here to sell you my branded supplements or magic diet shake.

 The Year of You is all about giving YOU the tools and foundations to take control of your own wellbeing - with drive, confidence and FOR LIFE.

  • what you know of nutrition and fitness, back to the basics and back to what works for YOU. You will come out of this course with the confidence to fuel your body with what it needs and loves.

  • and discover what REALLY drives you. What gets you up in the morning. What gives you butterflies of excitement, and what fills you with passion, so that you can take on the world.

  • the toxic thoughts and past trauma that have been holding you back. Learn how to leave the self-depreciation at the door, so you can focus on GROWTH. Overcome anxiety and rather build strength and confidence.

  • the most authentic version of yourself. The you that GLOWS with life and vitality.

  • to a community of motivating and inspiring women.

    You will have access to the “She’s a Wildflower” WhatsApp and Facebook groups, along with monthly community calls, where we share goals, recipes, and encouragement. You are not alone in this babe.

 BABE, I’M HERE FOR YOU… and I want to see you BLOSSOM!

 Don’t let this year be another year that you give up on your goals before you’ve had time to see results.

Make this YOUR year. You deserve it!


  • The course runs for 11 months (February - December) with one module and community call per month.

  • Yes! While there are monthly community calls included in the course, private 1:1 coaching is available if you’re looking for extra support.

    Please email me at to get started!

  • Due to the nature of the course being a fully digital product, we unfortunately cannot offer any refunds.

  • Each module will vary in time, and some are broken up into multiple lessons, but will each be less than an hour in length. For the best results, I would recommend spending 1 hour per week on the course.

  • That’s great! This is exactly what our monthly community calls and direct support are for. If you have any questions, please email them through to or fill out the contact form.


Email & I will get back to you shortly